NFC Feature Design


UX/UI Designer


February 6, 2023



Adobe Illustrator

Adobe After Effects

Project Overview

FinTech has been rapidly growing day by day, particularly in Cambodia where the FinTech sector has evolved rapidly and is being widely adopted. This inspired me to come up with an idea that combines NFC technology to enhance the payment experience by simply tapping your smartphone near a bank terminal to pay for products without the need for cash or cards.


In Japan, Line Pay is widely used, allowing users to simply place their phones near a payment terminal to make a transaction. In contrast, in Cambodia, users need to scan a QR code, which requires an extra step and is not as convenient for the user.

Before these ideas came across my mind, I had observed the rapid technological advancements in the FinTech industry and noticed how they were making transactions more convenient for users. This sparked a thought - what if we could apply similar solutions in Cambodia to simplify the payment process for customers? To validate my hypothesis, I conducted observations and surveys among a diverse group of people to identify the current issues they faced during transactions.

The idea is great, but the most important aspect is the technical feasibility. I have conducted research and interviewed senior tech developers to determine whether this idea can be implemented successfully. Specifically, I wanted to know if the bank sees this as an important part of improving the user experience and is willing to allocate resources to implement it.

Lastly, the design aspect focuses on accessibility and usability to ensure that all users, regardless of their cultural background or age, can easily navigate and utilize the platform. However, before beginning the design process, I need to conduct a thorough case study, user research, and analysis to gain valuable insights that will inform my design decisions.

Innovative Solutions

Throughout the process that I have described, I employed various techniques and strategies to achieve this project and release the prototype. Examining the methods I applied may offer valuable insights for you.

The technological aspect of this idea involves considering the technology that will be used, specifically NFC. I need to research the various mobile devices that our target audience uses, as some smartphones may not support NFC. Therefore, I must devise a solution and present it to the bank's side before implementing this idea.

After determining the feasibility of this feature, we moved on to brainstorming solutions for the UX/UI to make it more user-friendly, particularly for the main target audience of Cambodian people. We collaborated with the team and conducted user research to identify current issues and gather insights from user stories to enhance the UI and UX and make it more accessible and intuitive for users.

When designing output as a prototype to test with users, I typically conduct user testing by asking internal team members and users to sit in a room together and interact with the clickable UI. I track their actions and behaviors, and if any aspects of the interface cause confusion or difficulty, I note them down for future improvements. This process allows me to identify areas where the UI can be refined to enhance user experience.

Special Thank

I would like to extend a special thanks to the team for their help and support throughout this project. I am grateful for the opportunity to work with them and conduct user testing with real prototypes, which has allowed me to significantly improve the user experience and user interface.