👨🏻‍💻 Me

Hello! It's great to meet you. Below, I've included a brief introduction to who I am. If you'd like to learn more, please don't hesitate to reach out to me


With extensive experience in UX/UI design, I have worked with cross-functional teams across various industries, including FinTech, Education, E-commerce, IoT, and Restaurants.

I develop and maintain new features and iterate designs based on feedback to address pain points. I conduct interviews, observations, define problems, ideate solutions, craft wireframes, high-fidelity designs, and prototypes for usability testing, ensuring that the products are easy to use.


Lead UX/UI Designer at Digital Kirirom Inc (Japan)

May 2023 - Present

As a UX/UI Designer, I work on various projects, including:

1. Truck Service Company

Conduct case-studies on the existing mobile app and website.

Work closely with stakeholders and developers to define pain points by gathering feedback from real users.

Ideate solutions and create wireframes and prototypes to address the issues.

Conduct usability testing and iterate the process to ensure 
ease of use.

2. IoT Company

Working on the web responsiveness of an IoT company using WordPress technology.(Design and Develop)

Conducting interviews, and observations to empathize with the user and including only important information on the website.

Collaborating with stakeholders and internally testing the website to ensure it contains complete information and aligns with the company's goals.

3. Photo Kindergarten System

Designing a mobile app, dashboard system, and website for a Kindergarten company.

Creating a mobile app for parents to view their child's photos at school and for teachers to upload them into the system.

Conducting user interviews and case studies to understand the users, ensuring the creation of a mobile app, system, and website with the latest UI and user-friendly features.

Designing and developing high-fidelity prototypes for internal stakeholders and real users to test and iterate the process.

UX/UI Designer at Mäd

May 2022 - May 2023

As a UX/UI Designer, I work on various projects, including:

1. FinTech

Empathizing with the user to create a seamless solution for a Banking Mobile app in Cambodia, focusing on user-centric and aesthetic design.

Conducting interviews with stakeholders and real customers of the bank to gain insights into user behavior and pain points.

Facilitating a workshop with the internal team, including stakeholders, to define current issues and ideate solutions.

Creating user flows, user mappings, user journeys, and information architecture to ensure the Banking App is easy to navigate and use.

Developing wireframes, high-fidelity designs, and prototypes, and then preparing for usability testing to address problems and ensure customer satisfaction.

2. Book Reading App

This app allows users to purchase and read books within the application. It enables authors to write journals or publish books.

Gathering user and stakeholder feedback to excel and understand user experience and behavior.

Designing user stories, card sorting, and the information architecture of the app.

Crafting wireframes, high-fidelity user interfaces, and prototypes for testing and refining the app, then preparing for handover to development.

UX/UI Designer at APD Bank

Jan 2022 - May 2022

As a UX/UI Designer, I work on various projects, including:

1. Banking App

Mobile Banking App for Business to Customers.

Working closely with the digital department to gather feedback from real customers and the team.

Empathizing with user behavior and current problems.

Designing user stories, user flows, and information architecture for the current product and upcoming features to ensure ease of use.

Creating wireframes, high fidelity designs, and prototypes, especially the design system, and preparing for handover to developers.

2. ibanking Web Application

iBanking Web is for Business to Business.

Gathering feedback from the digital department and conducting user surveys and interviews.

Crafting a design system for the internal team to use, ensuring alignment with the Bank's identity.

Creating wireframes and prototypes for the internal team to test with real users, then refining if the web application is difficult to use.

3. Banking Website

Gathering all products and organizing them before designing a website for users to browse.

Creating user journeys, mapping, sitemaps, and information architecture for the website.

Designing low-fidelity and high-fidelity versions for all products on the website and creating prototypes for internal testing.

Organizing a design system for internal use.



I am a role model - ខ្ញុំជាយុវជនគំរូកម្ពុជា ២០១៦

Jul 2016

2016 was a great year for my accomplishments, working alongside teammates who shared my passion for creating innovative and creative solutions to address current challenges in Cambodia. As a member of the younger generation, I am committed to learning and growing, seeking out new knowledge and guidance from experienced mentors. I am determined to use my skills and abilities to make a positive impact on society, particularly in the country where I was born and raised.As a proud Cambodian citizen, I am grateful for the opportunities I have had, and I am eager to give back to my community. I believe that by working together, we can create a brighter future for ourselves and for generations to come. I am dedicated to using my skills and resources to help solve problems and make a positive difference in the world around me.

Community Involvement

Director of Individual Committee at JCI Cambodia

Jan 2022 - Dec 2023

As Director of Individual Committee at JCI Cambodia, I am dedicated to empowering individuals, fostering leadership skills, and making a positive impact in our community. Through engaging projects and events, we inspire proactive leadership and personal growth.

Event Organizer at The Westline School

Mar 2017 - May 2017

As a student, I recognize the invaluable role of reading in our daily lives. It is particularly crucial for students as it enables us to acquire knowledge and broaden our horizons. Taking on the role of an event organizer at The Westline School, I was entrusted with leading and coordinating the annual Reading Day event. The objective was to emphasize the importance of reading and instill a reading mindset among all students.


Communication, Problem Solving, Adaptability,Time Management, Teamwork ,Leadership


Figma, Protopie, InVision, Adobe XD, Craft, JIRA, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere Pro, Illustrator,Adobe After Effect, DaVinci Resolve, Miro



Professional working proficiency


Native Proficiency


Seng Hout | Product Manager
